An opiate rehab center in San Antonio

Did you know that the number of fatal overdoses in the U.S. involving opioids has quadrupled since 1999? Opioid misuse is the single greatest cause of unintentional death in the country, and Texas is in the top five states for the total number of opioid-related deaths. Texas also has high opioid abuse-related health care costs, even though it ranks low in mental health agency expenditures. This may be part of the difficulty in finding exceptional opiate addiction treatment programs in San Antonio, the second-most populous city in Texas.

What’s the difference between opioids and opiates? While often used interchangeably, the specific meanings of these terms are different. Opioids refer to all synthetic and natural opioids, including some prescription medications. Opiates refer only to natural opioids such as codeine, heroin, and morphine. Searching for an opiate rehab center’s programs in San Antonio, Texas? Reach out to SARC today by calling 866.957.7885 or contacting our team online.

What Are the Signs of Opiate Addiction?

There are several symptoms that people struggling with opiate addiction may experience, including the following:

Behavioral Changes

These changes include a consistently depressed mood, diminished coordination, hyperactivity, lack of motivation, loss of interest in activities that were previously enjoyed, participation in illegal activities, slowed or slurred speech, and social withdrawal.

Physical Changes

These signs include cramping, diarrhea, headaches, itchy skin, muscle and joint pain, nausea and vomiting, and weight loss.

Psychological Changes

These changes include anxiety and depression, confusion or disorientation, and distorted perception of reality. They may also include extreme mood swings, and loss of concentration or interest.

What Should You Expect from an Opiate Rehab Center?

An opiate addiction rehab center provides comprehensive and consistent treatment for clients working toward managing their opiate-related program by themselves while living their sober lives happily. Addiction treatment and recovery don’t happen overnight, it progresses gradually — much in the same way the development of an addiction does.

Many opiate rehab centers offer the full continuum of care and support needed to clients struggling with addiction. To provide the best opportunities for clients to learn, change, and heal, centers like this often create customized and evidence-based treatment programs through a collaborative and holistic approach.

Most rehab centers will have clients go through several stages as they seek professional help from their medical staff:


This is often the first stage, although sometimes stabilization comes before it. During this stage, the medical staff may conduct interviews with the client and their family members, physically assess the client — which may include lab tests and written tests — and go through the client’s medical records and recent history. All of these are done to assess and diagnose the client and recommend for them a customized treatment program.


For the most part, this stage includes detoxification. Most addiction treatment experts recommend medical detox for clients because withdrawal symptoms can be uncomfortable and even life-threatening. Detoxification doesn’t end until the client’s physical and psychological health are stabilized after experiencing withdrawal symptoms, including strong cravings for the addictive substance of their choice.


Before starting with further addiction treatment, the client should first be introduced to the facility’s community, as well as educated about their particular substance use disorder (SUD) and the typical interventions for it. Orientation may also include the client’s rights, responsibilities, and a discussion about confidentiality laws.

Addiction Treatment

This stage can include psychotherapy — one-on-one, group, and family sessions — along with complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) approaches to care. Also, medication-assisted treatment (MAT) may be used. This involves FDA-approved prescription medication like buprenorphine, methadone, and naltrexone.


Many rehab centers offer alumni programs or provide aftercare services — such as financial literacy education, job placement, and more — to clients that have finished their formal addiction treatment program.

When Should You Consider an Opiate Addiction Rehab Program?

Are you or someone you care about struggling with opiate addiction? In so, there’s no other choice but to consider professional help. Most rehab experts believe that it’s almost impossible to overcome an opiate addiction without medical supervision. This is because MAT is often needed to successfully detox from opiates without being harmed physically or psychologically. Also, it’s worth noting that long-term opiate addiction not only increases the likelihood of fatal overdose but also incrementally worsens physical health.

For some people struggling with opiate addiction, professional help is essential because they may also have undiagnosed issues that co-occur with their SUD. Cases like this are called dual diagnosis ones, and they’re well-known for getting worse without proper treatment for both co-occurring issues. The longer someone waits to get fully assessed and diagnosed, the worse their overall health gets and the lower their chances get to properly overcome their addiction.

Ready to Learn More about San Antonio Recovery Center's Opiate Addiction Treatment Program?

If you’re looking for an opiate rehab center’s programs in San Antonio, Texas, contact SARC today. Reach out to our team online or call 866.957.7885.

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