There are a wide variety of reasons why someone might struggle with addiction. They might have begun to use drugs or alcohol to cope with mental health issues. Drinking might bring temporary relief from feelings of anxiety, or stimulants can mask feelings of depression.
Environment can also play a role in addiction, as someone who grew up in a household where family members abused drugs or alcohol or has friends who abuse drugs at parties could be more likely to also struggle with substance abuse.
However, there’s substantial evidence that genes play at least a partial role in developing a substance abuse problem. Is addiction genetic, hereditary, or environmental? Learn more about how addiction develops and reach out to a treatment center today for help.
Scientists agree that addiction seems to run in some families. It’s a trait that can skip generations. It can also skip members of the same generation. However, it’s not possible to pinpoint a gene that develops the propensity to abuse substances.
In contrast, it’s possible to isolate genes that may deter you from doing so. For example, some people have a genetic predisposition to feeling sick after drinking alcohol. They are unlikely to develop an alcohol use disorder.
When it comes to addiction, there’s a strong likelihood that predisposition is the genetic twist. Your genes may predispose you to overindulge in foods, drinks, or sensations you like. If you enjoy the way alcohol tastes and makes you feel, you go back to having more. This trait may indeed run in families.
Of course, having relatives with substance abuse problems doesn’t doom you to develop an addiction. A family history of addictive tendencies should caution you to stay away from drugs or alcohol. However, you may choose to ignore the warning. Researchers believe that addiction, just like heart disease, has a genetic and a lifestyle component.
Your family history may predispose you to the disease. Your personal choices factor into the development of the illness. In the case of heart disease, it’s the decision to eat fatty, salty foods and avoid exercise. Concerning addiction, it’s the choice to drink to excess or try drugs.
It’s never too late to seek help. If you are struggling with an addiction to drugs and alcohol, no matter the reason for why this addiction developed, reach out to a treatment center today. At San Antonio Recovery Center, you'll find a personalized treatment plan to fit your needs. Examples of addiction therapy services include:
Early intervention is key to lasting recovery. Contact a treatment center today.
Did drug abuse cause you to push away loved ones? Maybe you isolated yourself out of shame. Invite them to attend family therapy sessions for joint healing. In the process, you may learn that there are some family secrets nobody has talked about.
So, is addiction genetic? The answer is a partial yes and a partial no. Overcome hereditary problems as well as the results of poor coping skills with the help of counselors. Reach the experts at the San Antonio Recovery Center by dialing 866.957.7885, or contacting us online now.
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