woman encouraging friend to try aa meetings

Are you wondering, "what are AA meetings like?" as you begin your recovery from alcohol addiction? The truth is, your experience may be very different from someone else's. 12 step addiction treatment programs follow the 12-step philosophy, but your particular experience depends on the people who attend meetings with you.

If you are struggling with an alcohol use disorder, reach out for help by calling 866.957.7885. A variety of programs, including AA meetings, provide valuable resources to reduce the risk of relapse.

About Alcoholics Anonymous

Known as AA, Alcoholics Anonymous is a group program designed to help people recover from alcohol addiction. If you're worried about what are AA meetings like because you've heard of the spiritual aspect of 12 steps, AA doesn't have an affiliation with any religion. Members rely on a higher power, but it's up to you which higher power you choose.

You may have to attend AA as part of a drug and alcohol addiction aftercare program, depending on your situation. You're always free to go to meetings on your own, which can help all throughout your recovery journey.

So, what are AA meetings like for newcomers? It's not as intimidating as you might think.

What Are AA Meetings Like?

It's normal to ask "What are AA meetings like?" if you've never attended one. If you're going to your first meeting, you might feel anxious. What if you don't want to talk to anyone your first time there because you'd rather listen and observe? This is perfectly acceptable.

While some members may welcome you, they won't ask you for your full name or force you to share before you're ready. People in AA are there to share their experiences—good and bad—and support others in the group. These people have been through this experience as well. They will understand not only your alcohol addiction but how they felt in their first meeting.

A professional therapist doesn't lead an AA group session. Instead, AA meetings are made up of people in recovery, just like you. This includes a "chairperson" who leads the session. They may begin the meeting with the serenity prayer or a reading.

In AA, members listen without telling others what to do or what they should do. Instead, they're free to share their personal stories, but they don't interrupt when someone else is talking or give advice.

What are AA meetings like as far as time? Meetings last an hour or so, during which members may make donations to AA if they wish. Some meetings are open, meaning loved ones are welcome to come, while others are closed and only for AA participants.

Now that you know more about the benefits of AA, are you ready to take another step toward sobriety?

Alternatives to AA

AA is a largely popular group that has helped millions of people across the country. However, if you are not yet ready for that stage of recovery, there are alternative programs. When you attend inpatient or outpatient treatment programs in Texas, you'll find a wide variety of programs to promote recovery. These include:

  • Individual therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Family therapy
  • Exercise therapy
  • Mindfulness training

Affordable Treatment for Various Addictions

At San Antonio Recovery Center, our compassionate professionals provide a full spectrum of treatment in order to integrate all components of your health. The Texas addiction rehab programs we offer include:

  • Women's alcohol rehab program
  • Men's alcohol rehab program
  • 12-step program
  • Aftercare treatment program
  • Intensive outpatient program (IOP)

Drug and alcohol addiction doesn't have to be part of your future. You can turn your life around and be the healthy, happy person you want to be. What are AA meetings like? Call 866.957.7885 to find out.

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