“Do not operate heavy machinery for a few hours after taking this medication.”
Drowsiness is a side effect of dozens, if not hundreds of different medications and substances. It can even be caused by some forms of substance use. Why is that? Could you tell the difference between someone who’s tired and someone who’s in the middle of experiencing an overdose?
Sleepiness as a side effect has the potential to be life-threatening if you don’t know what you’re looking for. Over the past 3 years, overdose deaths have been on the rise here in Texas, increasing by more than 60% across the state. By helping people better understand the side effects of medications and substances alike, our team at San Antonio Recovery Center hopes to lower these numbers and get people access to the care they need.
There are multiple types of drugs and medications that can cause drowsiness. Some of these substances are intended to make you sleepy, while others simply have a chance of making you sleepy.
Why is that? Are they all targeting the same part of the brain? How do we become sleepy in the first place?
Our brains are complex systems, meaning that there isn’t a single chemical or process that is responsible for drowsiness and exhaustion. On top of that, even though our brains are similar, no two work exactly the same. This means that while one substance or medication may be effective in causing drowsiness for one person, it may do nothing for another.
We will touch on the specific chemicals that lead to feelings of sleepiness in a moment, as there are more than one, but they do have a general overlap in how they function. These different substances generally slow the body down, either by reducing specific chemicals or by encouraging the production of others. The overall goal is to shift the brain into a headspace similar to that of before you’re about to fall asleep.
Instead of listing every possible drug that can have drowsiness as a side effect, it’s easier to explain the primary classifications of drugs that can do this, instead.
Drugs aren’t all unique. It’s why there are so many options available for allergy pills, pain relief, and more. Yes, they do have variants between them, which is why one person may prefer Zyrtec to Claritin for example, but they still share similar active ingredients.
Here is a breakdown of the four most common active ingredients that lead to drowsiness, and a few well-known examples of each.
Classification of Drug | How It Works | Examples |
Depressants | They slow down the messaging system within the body, lowering reaction time and slowing the mind. They’re often used to treat seizures, as anesthetics, or to treat anxiety. | Xanax, Fentanyl, Valium, Morphine, Cannabis, Alcohol |
Antihistamines | Influence the histamine chemicals and receptors in our bodies. These are primarily responsible for the physical responses to allergic reactions but also influence lethargy and overall energy. | Benadryl, Trazodone, Claritin, Allegra, Zyrtec, NyQuil |
Antidepressants | Specifically, those that influence serotonin, which is responsible for feelings of calmness. This chemical is known to play a role in the overall relaxation process of the body. | SSRIs, Prozac, Cymbalta, Lexapro, Zoloft |
Melatonin | This is a naturally produced hormone that the body makes when exposed to darkness. It helps with the timing of your circadian rhythm and encourages sleep. | Melatonin |
Yes, in fact, most illicit drugs have the chance of causing fatigue or drowsiness in one way or another. The important thing is knowing the difference between the two.
There are two primary categories of illicit substances: stimulants and depressants. We touched on depressants earlier, they slow down the messaging system within the body. Stimulants do the opposite, they speed it up. Examples of stimulants include cocaine and methamphetamine.
When depressants are present in your system, that is when someone will feel tired. This includes substances such as heroin, alcohol, cannabis, benzodiazepines, and opioids. While some of these are prescription medications, when you engage with opioids or benzodiazepines outside of a prescription your chance of drowsiness increases.
Stimulants, on the other hand, make someone feel like they have more energy and often wake people up. In the case of stimulants, the feelings of fatigue or exhaustion come after the drugs are out of your system.
There is a difference between general drowsiness and the unresponsive state that comes with overdoses.
These sleepy-related side effects for overdoses come specifically from depressant substances. This includes alcohol and alcohol poisoning, which is another form of overdose.
Overdoses occur whenever the body is overwhelmed by the substance, or substances, present within it. The symptoms that pop up during this time are often extreme versions of the side effects caused by the substance.
In the case of depressant-related overdoses, the way to tell the difference between that and general exhaustion is the person’s overall responsiveness. It’s also important to look at the other behaviors present. We’ll take a closer look at those now.
The unresponsiveness that comes with an overdose is different than someone who’s simply tired.
An overdose is the body shutting down. The person won’t be easily refocused or shaken back awake if they’re overdosing. Here are other side effects you can look out for:
If you think someone is experiencing an overdose, no matter the substance involved, do not hesitate to call for medical help. This could be a matter of life or death, and you can’t get in legal trouble for seeking medical help with an overdose per the Good Samaritan Law.
When speaking with medical help, do not lie to them. Any information you provide helps them give your friend or loved one appropriate and efficient care. Listen to any instructions they give you, as well.
The difference between intentional sleepiness and the side effect of drowsiness is being prepared for it.
If you take medication with the intention of relaxing or helping you sleep, the choices you make following the consumption will reflect that. You’re unlikely to suddenly decide to drive your car across town or do something that could be dangerous should you fall unconscious.
When drowsiness is a potential side effect, you’re less likely to be ready for it. You may take an antihistamine to help with your seasonal allergies and then head to work, wondering why you’re nodding off at your computer.
Being aware of the potential for side effects helps you be more conscious of them and be able to react accordingly. This can be helpful for your overall health so you can make more informed decisions about what kind of medications you take and when.
If you’ve noticed a loved one being more fatigued than usual, or you are noticing that your substance use is causing you to have low energy, there are recovery options available. It’s never too late to get started at a quality drug rehab center and work toward healing.
Side effects like drowsiness, low energy, and consistent fatigue are all manageable and addressable through a proper rehab program. They won’t last forever. You can reclaim your life and have the motivation to do the things you enjoy once more.
With one of the largest alumni programs in the city, our team at San Antonio Recovery Center is dedicated to you and your long-term healing journey. No matter your history of substance use or recovery, we want to work with you and set you up for success. Give us a call today at 866-957-7885 to learn more and get started.
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