Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) can be an important part of an addiction therapy program. The objective is to work on becoming more aware of yourself, your actions, and your surroundings. You will also learn coping skills and arm yourself with useful tools to manage the emotions associated with a substance use disorder. As part of a DBT program, you will also work on building more effective communication skills to help rebuild damaged relationships in your life. Looking for treatment plans at addiction recovery facilities that include DBT will give you a well-rounded treatment experience. The combination of evidence-based and holistic therapies gives people their best chance at success. Contact San Antonio Recovery Center to find out more about what a dialectical behavior therapy program looks like.
DBT is a type of traditional talk therapy for those who are experiencing intense emotions associated with a substance use disorder. It works by helping people develop coping strategies for managing stress and strained relationships brought on by addiction. In fact, DBT was first developed as part of therapeutic treatment for mental health disorders. Over time, it has been adopted in recent years as a beneficial therapy for substance use disorders as well. Accepting where you are, how you got there and making a plan for how you want to move forward are the goals of DBT.
Key areas of focus in a DBT session typically include:
Although DBT is more widely known as a treatment for mental health disorders—specifically those with suicidal tendencies —it is also extremely effective as part of substance use disorder treatment programs. In fact, in many cases, a mental health disorder and substance use disorder are co-occurring. Being able to treat both disorders at the same time proves even more effective for achieving a successful recovery from all conditions.
Stress, mental health issues, and unhealthy relationships are often the triggers that lead people to abuse drugs or alcohol. They use substances to self-medicate and numb themselves to the painful or traumatic experiences in their lives. DBT helps arm them with skills to manage these stresses and reduce the risk of relapse.
DBT can help with:
Those suffering from a substance use disorder often exhibit impulsive behavior. DBT has been proven to greatly help reduce impulsive behavior in those battling addiction.
Impulsive behaviors exhibited by those battling a substance use disorder include:
The mindfulness focus of DBT enables those in therapy to really work on living in the present moment, as opposed to triggers and traumas of the past. Positive reinforcement, real-world role play, and practical coping skills foster this focus on the present and future, rather than the past. In this way, a healthier life can be envisioned and planned for with real tools that those affected can use in everyday life.
DBT can be an important part of your substance use disorder treatment and recovery journey. You will work with a treatment team to be more self-aware and better manage your emotions. The lessons help support a healthier lifestyle and overall general well-being that go hand in hand with successful sobriety and preventing a relapse.
SARC also offers:
Contact the SARC team today at 866.957.7885 to learn more about treatment options. Our treatment team is dedicated to giving you the best treatment experience possible in San Antonio.
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